Ofcourse, the biggest new today, and it might be the very first post of this brand-spankin' new blog is Blagojevich. And yes, I had to go look how it is spelled. And for those of you reading out loud, it is prenounced Blog-Oy-Ah-Vitz. And I will be honest, until this story broke, I had never heard of this guy, but he rose above the radar, and here we are.
Now, I trust that many of you know the phrase "Chicago Politician". If you don't, that is, basically, or fundamentally, a crooked politician. Chicago has spend the last 80 or so years cultivating that system, and it is quite impressive. Incidently, McCain used to refer to president-elect Obama as a "Chicago Politician", in an attempt to subtly discredit him during the election. Anyway, when they invented the phrase "Chicago Politician" to describe a dirty politician, they were thinking of Govornor Blagojevich. They might not have known it, but they were.
And this entire story is great. It is wonderfull. More and more is revealed, adding cherries to... Well, at this point it would be adding cherries to a large pile of cherries with a little bit of cake underneath. Since 2005 he has been the subject of roughly a dozen different separate federal investigations. For example, he tried to shake down a childrens hospital. Or, he tried to get the head of the hospital to pay a hefty campaign-donation, or the hospital would recieve no state-aid.
I can only imagine that the conversation went something like "Hey, nice hospital ya got heres. Would be a reals shame if somethings were to...*Casually knocks down a child on chutches*... happen tos it."
But what finally got him arrested was trying to sell the now vacant seat of President-Elect Obama. Yes, he was not going to give it away to the most competent candidate, as per his duties. He was not going to give it away for nothing. Apparently Obama had suggested that all Blagojevich (I still have to check the spelling each time I write it) would recieve was appreciation, and appreciation doesn't buy cannolis. So, Obama was called a very rude word. It believe it was number six on Mr. Carlins list.
Republicans are desperately trying to tie Obama into the scandal, despite Blagojevich being recorded on a tapped phone as calling Obama the previously mentioned rude word for refusing to play ball.
It gets worse. Blagojevich is the sixth govornor of Illinois to be arrested. Len Small, Govornor from '21 to '29 was aquitted, but four jurors later got cushy jobs for the state, so that case might not have been as succesfull as it should have been. William Stratton, Otto Kerner Jr., Daniel Walker, and George Ryan were all thrown in prison and Blagojevich may very well be joining them. And before anyone gets all high and mighty about their party, three were democrats and three were republicans. Yes, govornors in Illinois care not for party boundaries, as long as you got a big fat bribe for them.
According to the latest polls, he is officially the least popular govornor of any state. His approval rating is at four percent, which is impressing in itself. And that was back in October, before this scandal broke. When eight percent believed that he had succesfully battled corruption.
And here is what I almost consider the punchline to the whole thing. During his first term, he signed a strict ethics law to combat bribery.
And that is all for now. Good night and good luck.
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